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List view record 1: Macduff Library Bookbug Session with MakatonList view anchor tag for record 1: Macduff Library Bookbug Session with Makaton
Thumbnail for Macduff Library Bookbug Session with Makaton - Bookbug says Aye, Aye! Fit like? - Bookbug Week 2024

Macduff Library Bookbug Session with Makaton - Bookbug says Aye, Aye! Fit like? - Bookbug Week 2024

14 May 2024 - 10:30 AM to 11:00 AMMacduff Library
Join us for songs, rhymes and a story for you and your little ones (aged 0-5).   Elements of Makaton will be delivered in each session.

PLEASE NOTE that one booking is only required per household (i.e. 1 Adult and children) attending this event.  We will accept walk-ins; however, we are limiting numbers that can attend due to space in which the session or event takes place.

Please cancel your space if you can no longer attend.
Session complete
List view record 1: Macduff Library Bookbug Session with Makaton

Macduff Library Bookbug Ses...

14 May 2024 - 10:30 AM to 11:00 AMMacduff Library
Session complete
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