Cloud computing for dummies
Hurwitz, Judith2019
Books, Manuscripts
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Cloud computing is a topic that technology pros need to know to stay ahead of the computing game. 'Cloud Computing For Dummies' comes to the rescue of those still trying to sort out the many options in the world of cloud. Judith Hurwitz and her team of analysts share the cloud insights they earned by consulting with some of the world's largest companies. Peek inside to sort out topics like multi-cloud architecture, hybrid-cloud infrastructure, development in the cloud, and software as a service.
Cloud computing for dummies / Judith S. Hurwitz.
Hurwitz, Judith, author
Second edition.
Hoboken, NJ : For Dummies, 2019.
384 pages : illustrations
Previous edition: Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley, 2010.
9781119546658 (pbk)